Although it was a tight SUNDAY...5th Jul'09, I had to get my Honda City CAR serviced so went to Prime Honda. I reached there around 11:10...a bit late from the booked time (10:30 AM). Their service staff took the car...no major problems...change of rubber in viper and a fix of bumper....which got hit in Barasane-Vrindavan-Mathura trip. K was with me and we booked a ticket for movie "New-York"....as the movie had to start 01:30 PM, we had one and a half hour...so GO SHOPPING ! Idea was to get something which K' needed but finally ended up buying a Reebok Shoes, a bag for myself. K' bought somethings for herself too....although not what she wanted. As it was near 01:20 PM, we headed for movie. K' was in favor of going to "Kambakht Ishq" but I insisted on "New-York".
The movie started good, seemed OK....probably..we came up to see any movie after long time...(tons of money saving...thanx to multiplex-producer row..strike ) and not with great expectation...hence it seemed stunning to me. The subject, storyline, acting everything was so good..that it keeps you stuck to screen. It's a MUST WATCH movie. Anyways' in the evening...we picked up the car.
This time, it was problematic servicing and I got fade up arguing the service staff, service manager. What happened it that I noticed 2 big spots of something stuck up the front panel of the car. In my all the guesses, it was something due to the servicing...or during servicing. there were other inconsistencies as well...but minor ones. Overall, I was not happy with the servicing. I screwed them a bit...although it gives more pain to self doing such thing..finally..I left and reached to Pritam's place. I had it in mind that I'll watch the Wimbledon but due all this fiasco, I thought I got late. I switch on the television and the match was still on...3 sets gone. I though, better to see a few momnets...at the same time, I was surprised to see that Andy was doing a good job...Federer too looked a bit in pressure. The fourth set was a stunner....Andy was much more ahead to Federer.atleast till fourth set. I was a bit tensed....I am a great fan of Federer and I always wanted that federer achieves what Sampras achieved way back....seeing him going down..it felt like the GENIUS is not up to the mark.
Fifth set started...and Roddik already tumbled at few moments...Federer looked calm...cool as usual but Roddik looked great as well. He seemed decisive that I'll fight for it till end. The marathon went on...and on...and on....and both of them kept pace. Federer looked a bit down around 7-7 ...but then gained the momentum and finally broke a service. All the credit to Roddik who couldn't handle the pressure well at the last...He seemed lost patience..his girl friend couldn't run up some more pray...which could have elongated the GENIUS's win. Finally, 15:14 and then Federer took control of the game and Roddik looked meek at all..now only. FEDERER was again....WImbledoN champion.
I wonder....what if Nadal would have reached to finals....but then early loosers doesn't reaches finals to play the GENIUS !!
GOD Bless you.......Mr. Roger Federer !!!
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