Sunday, September 14, 2008

Terror in Delhi....


To hell with terrorists who in the name of "Allah" strike back. Such a cowardly act can not come in the name of god.....To hail with your spirit and to hail with your intentions !

Saying that I am no more finding them all responsible but the govt. of INDIA is responsible for encouraging them to perform similar explosions in different states [ Though I am disgusted with thier idea to kill innocents in all around INDIA ].

INDIAN MUZAHHIDIN/SIMI - You are criminals not jehadi or even terrorists.....go to hell....bastards.

I think again about the most unfortunate day of history when there was a terror strike on SANSAD. What I mean is that why at that point of time there were very few casualties happened that too of our army/police men. No MPs/leaders were insured. I wish if there would have been a complete wash out of SANSAD. A complete new generation would have popped out for the betterment of INDIA. I have lost faith in INDIAN politician. When I see PM/CM/Sonia etc. saying following lines -


Go to all idiots ! Being in such a big position, if you can't take some actions, you are not doing whatever is needed from you.

These politicians are sold out for their own betterment. There economy is well growing better than INDIA's growth..I assure each and everybody in INDIA.

Next comes the INDIAN Media who has been playing to increase their TRP. They all are a bunch of nonsense who are not bothered about country or people who are giving all the money for their chicken/wine [read bread/butter]. Times of INDIA publish interviews of many celebrities and the common lines of them all is -

"We'll see the Delhi's spirit ! It'll be back on track next day." or
"These are all ways to provocate people in country. If we maintain peace, we'll win them"

What the hail...Are your near and dear ones hurt ? If not, you can't understand the loss of them that too in such a way. They are choosen ones because some idiots/corrupts in top position are not doing their job well. If there's an "Allah", in whose name such crimes are taking place.....shame on it.

Shame on Muzahidiins !
Shame on SIMI !
Shame on Politicians !
Shame on [so called] MEDIA ! [**you'll win your chicken/wine**]
Shame on Spirit of Delhi !
Shame on A.... !

Oh Almighty, Please help these confused bunch of CRIMINALS to understand humanity !