Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SP's manifesto.......disgusting..

With polls'2009, Indian politics is hot again and leaders are making promises which were never met in past [and will never ever be met in future]. Each such time, they come with a tons of promises and if we analyze the manifesto of different parties, we can find some loopholes and most of the agenda may seem false promises.

BUT there are some of the manifestos which are not worth at all to have a look or too cheap to be considered from a political party which has performed well in previous elections....Can anybody in this world believe that a party which has ensured 35 seats in the elections, may have such stupid manifesto, full of idiotic conditions, terms. I am myself feeling shameful when I am writing somethings about in my opinions, the manifesto of Samajvadi party should be put in dust-bin but BECAUSE THEY ARE ABLE TO MANAGE SO MANY SEATs, I am disgusted with their manifesto. What do they want to prove out of this all Bull___t.

T V R Shennopy writes on the same -

Actually the article picks up all the points carefully. Having already mentioned that though Mulayam himself was not able to attend any convent schools, by god's grace, He was able to send his sons to a boarding school and further helped him admitted in some private college for medial. Thanx to politics, Mulayam has become like king in this jungle raj and I prefer to run away !!!!!